Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Coming Together

I caught a glimpse of hope today as I listened to USA Today columnists Bob Beckel and Cal Thomas share their vision for the future of politics. Each has very strong views about current issues at hand and the political means to bring change to these issues. Beckel is a Democrat and a self proclaimed Liberal. Thomas is a Republican and a conservative. Each have spent many years verbal combat with the opposing side, trying to convince the other that they should come to their way of thinking. They should by all appearances be arch enemies, but the truth is, they are very close friends who care deeply for each other and respect one another. They shared today about how they decided to begin a process of coming together to sit and listen to each other and to truly seek to believe that each are shooting for the same goal in regard to the issues at hand; they simply have different ideas of how to approach them.

They have written a book together called "Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan War That Is Destroying America". Touring together and presenting their ideas and vision to political leaders and civilians alike, these two friends are trying to generate a movement toward a new kind of political arena; one where all can come together and discuss the issues at hand and work together toward a common good. It was inspiring to listen to them and to think that we could be moving into a new era of politics that will finally move out of party bashing and standoffs, and instead will get the job done through respectful compromise.
It was truly amazing to hear each of these men talk about their own convictions without holding back from stating fully what they believe in and in the same speech acknowledge the short comings and failures of the party to which they belong. I have renewed hope that we as a nation can and will begin to move into a new era of working together, respecting others views without shrinking back from our own, and finding the means to get the job of creating change done. With the dawn of a new presidential administration upon us, there is a strong sense of renewed hope for the future of our nation. What remains to be seen is if this will be a reality fulfilled. The hope for a strong leader is prevalent, but the need for a functional relationship between the House and the Senate as well as between the congress and the president will be the key for successful change. Thomas and Beckel stated that relationships need to be built between individuals from opposing parties for this change to begin to occur. We can make the choice to move toward common ground as well, choosing to enter into relationships with people who do not subscribe to the same ideals and political views. Creating stepping stones to common ground is a good start. It is my desire to begin to take time to pray for a movement toward common ground and seek God's plan for me in this process.
Hoping in Him,

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