Thursday, January 15, 2009


Being in Washington D.C. is certainly an amazing experience! I have seen and heard many new things that I have not been exposed to before. My perspective of the world is being broadened and enhanced.
Yesterday, Press Secretary Dana Perino came to our conference to be a guest on CSPAN, which was being broadcast live from our conference. (You can go to CSPAN's web site to see this episode of CSPAN Journal Live as well as one from the day before.) I really appreciated Dana being a part of this conference when she has so many other things to be responsible for in these last days leading up to the transition of President Bush leaving and President Elect Obama coming into office. It was good to hear from another perspective for a change. While there has been some great "common ground" moments at this conference, the majority of what has been presented has been from a very Leftist perspective. There are some Rightist positions presented, but the voice of the Right seems rather quiet compared to the Left.
I have always been more of a Centerist, but it often feels as if the voice from the Right is not welcome or accepted in this crowd. I have been hearing very strong voices speaking out against many things, but especially President Bush. Dana Perino gave some validity to my own views and thoughts regarding many of the comments being made. She also held a strong presence and poise that was commendable considering some of the questions being asked of her. The students from the conference were invited to ask her questions during the CSPAN show. You can hear those questions and Dana's answers on CSPAN's web page.
We also heard from Ted Kopel, who brought in a very strong opposing view to Dana Perino, but he had some very good things to contribute to the conversation taking place this week at the conference. There has been a lot presented about the news media, its influence good and bad on political views and outcomes, and about the types of media being used to obtain information such as TV vs. Cable news, blogs and the internet. One of the things being encouraged over and over again is for the students to broaden their perspective by reading materials presenting the opposing side from their views and to enter into civil, listening conversations with others who do not think the same way that they do. Surveys have shown that people 18-35 get the bulk of their news from late night talk shows, Saturday Night Live or other talk show programming and radio. We have been encouraged to read and listen to more legitimate news from all perspectives.
Yesterday afternoon my small group went to visit the Embassy of the State of Kuwait where we met Fatima Nazar, Cultural Attaché. She spoke with us about her country and we heard her perspective of America and the foreign affairs between America and Kuwait. Fatima was very gracious and incredibly pro-America. There was no political party posturing, just incredible enthusiasm regarding the relationship we have between us, and Kuwait's tremendous gratitude for the way that America came and helped to liberate them during the Gulf War. She stated many truths about bi-partisan realities. Regardless of which side you are on, according to Fatima, our government works and works well. Nothing is perfect; no one can fix everything within a four to eight year term of presidential office. No one can control what will come tomorrow. No matter how great you are perceived to be, failures and disappointment are inevitable. Grace and forgiveness will go a long way toward enhancing unity within the political arena of the United States of America in these troubled and strongly divided times.
My hope is that my perspective and views will be challenged and strengthened through this experience. Without a doubt, there is much work to be done to bring us to better stability as a country. My prayer will be that God's will would be done through our newly elected President and that I will be ever mindful and watchful to find my role in it.

1 comment:

talk3talk4 said...

I quote Bush in verbatim...."You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions"

Welcome..Angie to blogspot.

Best regards,

Robert Lau.