Monday, January 26, 2009

Jet lagged and new beginnings

Well, I made it home! Yes, there were almost 2 million people at the Inauguration, and yes, it was FREEZING!!!! I got in line Tuesday morning at 4:45 a.m. There were a few from my group who had arrived about 20 minutes before me, so I was able to get in line with them very near the entrance gate for the purple section, even though the line had already started wrapping around the block. Around 5:30 another member of our group, Lewis, arrived and was not being permitted to come to meet us in the line. We stood en mass for the next three and a half hours, stomping our feet and jumping up and down trying to keep our feet and bodies warm. When they opened the gates at 8:00, we passed through the security screening area and started walking toward the purple section. My friends and I were able to get in the second row (standing) from the fence that was dividing our section which was amazing, however, there were trees blocking much of the view from where we were standing.
I got a call from Lewis around 9:30 and he said he thought he could see the gate, but they were no longer letting anyone enter through the gate. I couldn't believe it! He was in line only 45 minutes after me, and he was not allowed to come in and be a part of the ceremony. I had questioned my sanity when I was going to bed at 12:30 the night before and setting my alarm for 3a.m. I questioned myself again as I stood in the freezing cold for over three hours, but when I realized that I would not have been allowed into the ceremony if I had arrived later, I was thankful that I had made the choices I did.
There was an unbelievable sense of calm over the entire crowd, and I heard on the news later Tuesday night that there was not even one arrest the entire day! Everyone was just so excited to be present at such an historic event that they were happy and even playful. I must say, however, that there was definitely an air of negativity in the section that I was in when it came time for the former presidents to be introduced. While I can understand being excited and even exhilarated about the swearing in of the new president, I can not understand the disrespect and snide attitude that was demonstrated toward those who were considered to be on "the other side". The crowd wildly cheered for the Clintons and even Jimmy Carter. However, when Republican congress members were introduced, they didn't applaud at all. Then when President Bush was introduced, my section and every section behind us started booing him and singing, "Na na na na, na na na na na , say goodbye" over and over again. I was very sad to hear such disrespect and rudeness.
The ceremony was interesting and went smoothly except for the stumbling of words during the swearing in of President Obama. When it was over at 12:30, everyone peacefully started moving toward the metro stations. My feet were so cold by this time that I could no longer feel my toes, and when I started walking, my feet hurt with every step for about 45 minutes to an hour. I don't remember ever being so cold!! It took five hours of walking against the crowds with about 30 minutes of resting time at a crowded office building before we found a metro station where we could get on the train and head toward our apartment. It was 6:00 p.m. when I got back and started packing and cleaning to be ready to leave at 6:30 the next morning to come home.
It was truly a once in a life time opportunity to be able to be a part of such a time as this. I will never forget it! It would take days and days to relay all that I saw and heard. If you see me and want to know more, ask. I will try to put into words the things that have stuck in my mind the most. Bob asked me Saturday what the highlight of the trip was for me. I don't think I could name just one thing. There were so many! A few I have written on this blog, but there are countless more. One of the best parts for me was the small group of fourteen that I met with throughout the conference. Out of those 14, nine of us really connected beyond the small group experience. We continued to meet up and site-see together or have dinner or lunch. I left with a new set of friends that will remain in my heart forever. That was one of the best things.
So I am home and have hit the ground running. I feel extremely jet lagged and I have a whole new routine to enter into as this new semester starts. Classes started for the Spring semester Inauguration day, so I had to be in class Thursday at 8:30 a.m. The good news is I am taking a Jazz History class at 8:30, so I get to wake up to Miles Davis and the like!! That makes for a great start to those early mornings.
The journey continues from this point, and where it will lead only God knows. I am so thankful for the gifts that have continually been dropped into my lap! Big ones like this trip are mind blowing and overwhelmingly wonderful. But the greatest gifts of all are the people that He continues to bring into my life and the amazing family that He has given me. You are the most brilliant jewels that I have found as I have journeyed with Him. Thank you for enriching my life so greatly and for walking this journey with me. I wonder what comes next?
I will keep you posted........

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